Why In The World Would I Use Pinterest In My Marketing?

Let’s face it… When it comes to getting website traffic there’s like 83 bajillion ways to do it. Bajillion isn’t even a word or a number, but trust me. It’s A LOT!

So when it comes to deciding which tactic to use, you might feel a little bit lost. Understandably!

I want to share one of my favorite tactics with you that you can use that I KNOW works to get traffic to just about anything you want.

Your blog, affiliate links, squeeze pages, sales pages, etc. ANYTHING you want!

What is it?

Pinterest marketing!

If you’ve never heard of Pinterest it’s a social network site that allows you to save things you find around the web onto “boards” so you can keep it organized and easily accessible.

For example in my Pinterest account I have “boards” on Online Business, Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, Healthy Living, and on and on. When I find something on the Internet that I want to save, I “Pin” it to a “board” that is related to the topic.

Now I have one place I can go when I need information on that topic. That’s why people are using Pinterest! As a matter of fact, Pinterest currently has 250 million ACTIVE users.

That’s A LOT of people.

People you could be getting in front of and getting them to your website!

So the first reason you should be using Pinterest Marketing?

It has the traffic already. You just have to be there to get it. 🙂

Need more reasons other than it has built in traffic? Um… Why?

Seriously there are more reasons…

It’s super duper easy.

Follow a simple strategy and you can get traffic.

Simply create a great looking image that represents whatever you’re wanting to drive traffic to, create a description for your image, put your link in, and you’re done.

Now you have a Pin on Pinterest that other Pinterest users can find.

Now there’s a little more to it than that, but that’s the strategy in a nutshell.

It truly is super duper easy.


It’s FUN!

Look there’s not a lot of “fun” in driving traffic to your website, but using Pinterest is actually fun.

I enjoy the user side of it a lot. I like finding great information about what I’m interested in and putting it in categories (Pinterest boards). It’s very therapeutic for my OCD brain. 🙂

But on the marketing side of things I really enjoy creating images for stuff I want to get traffic to, and putting (Pinning) it on Pinterest.

Note: Even if you don’t enjoy creating images there are tons of templates out there you can use for your images to make it a quick and easy process.

Not to mention seeing the traffic from my efforts is a HUGE “fun factor“.

So, if you’re lost in the “sea of traffic tactics” I highly recommend you start learning to use Pinterest. It’s fun, easy, and most importantly has a ton of traffic there waiting for you.

If you’d like to learn to use Pinterest in your marketing and get a ton of traffic from it I recommend you get your seat in the Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop. Where you’ll learn from me on how to use it from A-Z. All the way from learning how to make money with Pinterest in different niches to creating the best strategy to get the most traffic. Grab your seat at https://learningim.com/pinterest-traffic-takeover

What Do I Post On Social Media?

What do I post on social media, Liz?

I get asked this question about 100 times a day. Okay, I may be exaggerating a bit there, but I get asked this question A LOT. So today I’m providing you with 48 different types of things you can post on social media.

A little note here before you get started…

If you have a business, you’re doing ALL of this for traffic. Yes it’s fun, but at the end of the day this is all about getting traffic from social media sites. They have TONS of it. ?

It’s all about 3 things…

1. Creating a following (You’ll get that by doing 2 and 3 below.)

2. Having your own killer content to put in front of people so you get traffic from the sites you’re using.

3. Posting at least daily (YouTube is different and the others you should actually post a few times a day to) with other things that get your followers to interact and know, like, and trust you.

Okay, so to answer the big question I get…

Where The Hell Do I Find Stuff To Post On Social Media?

My answers are below:

1. Your Own Content Posts

I’m posting this as the very first idea because you absolutely MUST MUST MUST be posting your own content. This is how you get that traffic in front of your stuff. Your content should have some kind of call to action in it that gets people to do what you want them to do. But your first step is getting that content out and in front of people. Create an eye catching graphics and a link to your content to suck all that traffic to you!

2. Post Pictures Of Your Workspace Posts

I get to work at the beach, in the mountains, at cool coffee shops (and sometimes even cigar bars) and other awesome places. I always take pictures of me working in these spaces with my laptop and they do well on when I post them. I get lots of engagement and it allows my followers to see into my life.

3. Answers To Questions Posts

I’m sure there are common questions that get asked related to your niche. Create Q&A posts to answer these. I will post a question and simply answer it. Add a funny and/or eye catching image and let the engagement begin.

4. People Introductions Posts

Do you have employees? Deal with people over and over again? Have customers? Make a post about them! Let people see the other people in your life! You can even do short interviews to do this!

5. Share Something Popular Posts

You can’t open your eyes without being hit with all kinds of advertisements about the latest and greatest things. Make a post talking about something that’s currently popular.

6. Post A Fill In The Blank Posts

These are getting used a lot right now and although they get on my nerves (I’ve just seen too many) they work great to get engagement.

7. Where Are You Going? Posts

Are you participating in an event? Are you going to be traveling? Share your plans with your followers.

8. Where Have You Been? Posts

Following up with the above if you’re going to an event or traveling or whatever make sure you take pictures and document as much as possible. You could have 10+ posts just by documenting a day out on the town!

9. Customer Reviews And Testimonials Posts

Has someone reviewed your product, service or business? Have you gotten testimonials about your business and how you’ve helped your customers? Post those to your social media profiles!

10. Something Funny Posts

Now some people are better at this than others. I keep my followers cracking up because I constantly find funny memes, quotes, images, etc. Be careful with this though. Not everyone has your sense of humor. There are a lot of groups dedicated to memes on Facebook. Join a few and start collecting the funny ones you find. My meme collection is MASSIVE. *lol*

11. Share Your Stories Posts

We all have stories. About our business, about our lives, things that happen to us, etc. Share that stuff so your followers get to know, like, and trust you!

12. TBT Posts

TBT stands for “Throw Back Thursday” and are mainly pictures of you or your business from years past. I also like to do this with old content from my blog. For example in my niche list building is a hot topic. I have a post showing 25 ways to build your list that I posted 6 years ago. I could do a TBT post about it.

13. Inspirational And Motivational Posts

There are so many great quotes and images out there with inspiration and motivational messages. Post those! Have you had success at something? Post about that!

14. Stats Posts

People love statistics! Have stats about something you’ve done or your industry then post those!

15. Be Thankful Posts

What and who are you thankful for? Let your followers know about it!

16. Multiple Choice Questions Posts

Let your followers give you feedback by using multiple choice questions. For example… I could post a question asking my followers if they like products about list building, product creation, or affiliate marketing the best.

17. Video Featuring Your Products Posts

There is an art to this, but a quick video showing what your product does will make people WANT it. Throw a special price for a limited time in and you’ll see a ton of action!

18. Share Your Latest Email Or Newsletter Posts

I email my email list almost every day. This is great content that you could also post to your social media profiles. Create a great image to go with it and post that content. It’s a great way to get more reach and re-purpose your content!

19. Infographics Posts

I LOVE LOVE LOVE infographics and so do many others. I use Pinterest to find info-graphics all the time, and my followers always go crazy over them. HOT TIP: Creating (or having someone create them for you) your own info-graphic branded to you can also get you a lot of shares and new followers. ?

20.  Get Creative With Images Posts

Use a filter tool and add cool effects to your photos and share them.

21. Share Your Favorite Books Posts

Even in this day and age people are reading books about their interests. Share what you’re currently reading or a list of books you love. HOT TIP: Create a blog post with your favorite books. Use your Amazon affiliate links to point people to them and make some coin!

22. Share Your Video Playlists Posts

YouTube is a great place to find a ton of videos about the things you love and you’re interested in. Create playlists (with your own videos preferably) that are topic specific and share that with your followers.

23. Share Your Music Playlists Posts

Again… You need to get your followers to know, like, and trust you. Share your favorite music playlists with them to help with this! I can’t tell you how many times people have started to like me more or interact with me more when they know I have a love for cumbia music or gansta rap. ?

24. Shoutouts Posts

These are posts highlighting someone or something that you feel has done a good job at something. The other day I posted about a problem I have. One of my followers jumped in and helped me. I made a “shoutout post” to him and thanked him for his help.

25. Your Tips Posts

Have tips about what you do or what you know? Post them!

26. When You Celebrate Posts

Is it your birthday or one of your customers birthdays or other special occasion? Post about it!

27. What’s Your Culture Like? Posts

I have followers from around the world and I love reading about their culture. What are things in your culture that you have in your life? Share that with your followers to help them get to know you better!

28. Have A Photo Contest Posts

Ask your followers to post a photo and then have people vote on the best photo. For example I could ask my followers to post their favorite photo of them on vacation and tell people to vote by liking the pictures. This is another great engagement getter. ?

29. Industry News Posts

What’s going on in your niche or business? Are there news headlines about it? Post about them!

30. Talk To Industry Leaders Posts

Now you have to be careful how you do this, and depending on what social media network you’re using will depend on how you go about it. But you can find leaders in your niche and start a conversation with them. Twitter would probably be the easiest one to do this, but with Facebook and Instagram you could also tag them. Again…Use this with caution, but it’s a great way to get in front of their followers.

31. Share Free Stuff Posts

Find free stuff or offer free stuff for your niche? Tell your followers about it!

32. “On This Day In History” Posts

What is going on today that was a big deal or a cool thing? A simple Google search will give you this information and you could post about it.

33. Your Own Show Posts

I did a series of FB Lives called “The Liz Life”. Each day I would do an FB Live about what’s going on in my business and little about my life. This did very well. It’s a lot of work to do it daily, so you’ll need to establish your own schedule, but creating a “themed show” will get you a lot of know, like, and trust along with new followers because your followers will share it too!

34. What’s This A Picture Of? Posts

I love these. You take an image and zoom in on it or blur it, and get your followers to guess what it is. Serious engagement here!

35. Ask For Feedback Posts

Feedback is key when it comes to your followers. Ask what they think of your posts, what they want to see, etc.

36. How To Videos Posts

What do you know how to do? Record yourself doing it and post it! If you can make this about your niche even better!

37. Product Reviews Posts

Review products in your niche and post them. If you can do video reviews this works even better!

38. Promote Others Posts

You’ve worked hard to build a following and you don’t want to freely send them to others, but if you can get the attention of top performers in your industry do it by sharing their content and/or posts.

39. Screenshots Posts

People are nosy by nature. See a conversation or have a conversation with someone that has good points or bad points, screen shot it, and talk about it in a post. BE CAREFUL with this tactic. I do this sometimes with funny text conversations I have with my kids.

40. Ask Me Anything Posts

I do these posts where I will tell my followers that they can ask me anything about a certain topic. This creates a lot of engagement!

41. Support A Cause Posts

There are a lot of great charities and causes out there. Let your followers get to know you by posting about the ones you like and believe in.

42. Roundup Posts

There’s a marketer that I LOVE who sends out an email each Friday with the top social media and blog posts about my industry. This is a great idea that you could take and use as a post on your social media profiles.

43. Day Posts

It’s always National Something Day or a day for certain things. National Dog Day, Taco Tuesday, etc. I talk about Taco Tuesday A LOT and I’m know for my love of tacos. These posts always do well for me. See what today is “the day” for and post about it. Here’s a great resource for this https://nationaldaycalendar.com/latest-posts

44. Fan Spotlight Posts

Do you have followers who are always commenting or liking your posts? Make a post talking about them and how much you appreciate them.

45. Controversial Posts

Be careful with these, but posting about controversial stuff is a great way to get your followers engaging with you. It’s also a great way to lose followers who don’t agree with you. I hardly ever do this because it can cause arguments and negativity, but it’s a great way to get engagement.

46. Caption This Posts

Post a photo and ask your followers to caption it. This gets really fun sometimes.

47. Share A Pinterest Board

I am so addicted to Pinterest and have all kinds of boards over there. Create one that your followers would like and share it with them.

48. Ask For Advice

Having a problem with something? Post about it and ask your followers for advice. Please Note: If you have health issues don’t ask your followers. Ask your doctor. ?

I’m sure there are a million other things you could post about too, but this surely got your creative juices flowing.

What are your ideas for things you can post to social media that I haven’t listed here?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below…

How To Setup Your YouTube Channel

YouTube is a completely different type of social media site with completely different tactics to use to get traffic.

But it’s a HUGE one if you do it right!

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you get your YouTube channel setup correctly. This is basically what would be called a profile on other networks, but YouTube is video based so calling it a channel makes sense. I guess… Whatever! Google owns it and US so they can call it whatever they want. I kid! 🙂

The main goal of your YouTube Channel is to get people to subscribe to it. You need a good looking channel branded to YOU (or your brand) that makes people WANT to subscribe, and that’s what we’re going to be talking about in this post.

Side note: There are a few things and a few different goals depending on what you’re doing in YouTube. For example… I create videos and optimize them for search so I can get as many eyeballs on them as possible. Each video also has a call to action to come to a link or some thing I’m talking about in the video. Here we’re just talking about getting your channel setup. I’ll have many more posts on using YouTube to get traffic.

So what do you need to do to get your YouTube channel all setup?

Here are the steps…

Step 1: Create And Name Your Channel

Since I’m branding myself I created my channel using my name. You can use your name, company name, or brand name. Just make sure you’re using the same thing across all social media sites to stay consistent.

Step 2: Your YouTube Channel Icon

Because I’m using my name I used a picture of myself for my YouTube Channel icon. You can do this or use a graphic that represents your company or brand. Again… Just use what you’ve used on other social media sites.

Step 3: YouTube Channel Artwork

This is the big header at the top of your YouTube channel. I use the same one on Twitter, my Facebook fan page, and here on YouTube. I do this to stay consistent and recommend that you do the same thing.

This graphic should depict what you (or your brand) is all about. It needs to make viewers stop and investigate you so you can get them to subscribe to your channel.

Here’s what my YouTube channel looks like…

Step 4: Your About Section

Make sure you utilize this section to it’s fullest.

Explain what you (or your brand) does, and what benefits people will get by being a subscriber of your channel. Make sure you also have a call to action to tell people to subscribe to your channel.

You can access this by clicking on the Customize Channel button when you visit your channels home page.

Step 5: Channel Settings

Go through ALL the channel settings and get yourself familiar with everything.

When you click on the Customize Channel button in the top right hand corner you’ll see a “gear” icon. Click on it and it will take you to your settings.

A few things you’ll want to pay attention to…

a. Add your contact details
b. Add your link

As I said though… Make sure you go through ALL settings!

Step 6: Create A Channel Trailer

When new visitors hit your channel the first thing they’ll see is your channel trailer. You need to make sure you create one that tells people exactly what they’ll gain by watching your videos (benefits, benefits, benefits) and then have a call to action asking them to subscribe.

A simple “cell phone” video of you just talking into the camera will get the job done here. Plus by seeing you people will start creating that bond with you that you need to keep them coming back to watch your videos. Make sure you have a call to action to get people to subscribe in this video too.

This should be a short 2-3 minute video. People have the attention span of gnats and you want to get them clicking that subscribe button quickly!

Step 7: Add Your Videos

Now it’s time to add your videos. And that’s going to take A LOT more tutorials to teach you to do, so hold that thought!

Creating your YouTube Channel takes some time and planning, but don’t let that stop you. There is so much traffic to be gotten from YouTube and you’re really missing out if you don’t work this social media site.

If you complete the steps above you’ll have a great foundation to get started with. Now it’s all about creating videos, uploading them, and optimizing them to get as many people seeing them as possible.

We’re going to be talking about YouTube a lot here, so stay tuned for some great tactics!

Comments or questions about what I’ve shared here? Did I miss anything? Do you have tips for this topic?

Then leave them in the comments below!

Talk soon!


How To Setup Your Twitter Profile

Twitter is one of my favorite places to see “bit sized” pieces of content, quick updates, photos, and sometimes even some good “twitter fights”. 🙂

It’s also one of the easiest social media sites to get followers AND traffic.

If you’re looking to get started getting traffic from Twitter make sure that you’ve got your profile “optimized” so that you can attract the right followers and get TARGETED traffic.

Lots of followers is great, but if they aren’t interested in your content then you’ll never see any traffic from Twitter.

So here’s what you need to do…

Step 1: Your Username

In all the tutorials I’ve done about creating your social media profiles the username part has been about the same. 🙂

You need to make sure that you’re using the same name across all social media sites. Be it your name or business name. Just use the same one across all networks.

For example… I use liztomey on all of mine because I brand myself.

Step 2: Your Profile Picture

Same thing with your profile picture. Make sure you’re using the same one across all social media profiles. This either needs to be a picture of you or your logo or something that represents your business.

Just stay consistent!

Step 3: Your Bio

Just like the other social media networks, Twitter also has a bio section you need to fill out. Make sure you tell people exactly what you’re about (what’s your benefit) and then have a call to action for them to follow you!

Twitter also allows you to use emojis in your bio, and I recommend you do that. They catch people’s eye!

Step 4: Your Header Graphic

Your header graphic is something else you need to stay consistent with. I use the same header graphic on my Facebook business page, YouTube, and Twitter. Instagram and Pinterest don’t have header graphics or I’d use it on those also.

Here’s my Twitter profile…

Step 5: Follower The Leaders In Your Niche

Once you have the basics done you need to start following people in your niche.


Well for starters they may follow you back. 🙂

You can also see what they post and the interactions they get so you’ll know what to post. When we get into how to build your following on Twitter I’ll give you more tips for this, but for now follow as many people as you can who post things or interact with Tweets that are related to your niche.

Step 6: Create A Pinned Tweet

The last step here, and this is something a lot of people don’t talk about.

You need to create a “pinned tweet”. This is the tweet that will always be at the top of your Twitter profile. I recommend this be a link to something that explains what you do, why you do it, and how people will benefit from it.

I’ve gotten so much traffic from my pinned tweet, so I’m not sure why more people aren’t doing this OR talking about it.

Create a stellar pinned tweet to get people to know you!

Once you have this all done, you’ll be ready to start using Twitter to get traffic…

Go get Twitter’ing. 🙂

Comments or questions about what I’ve shared here? Did I miss anything? Do you have tips for this topic?

Then leave them in the comments below!

Talk soon!


How To Setup Your Pinterest Profile

Ah… Pinterest! How I love thee! Let me count the ways…

1 hour gone…

2 hours gone…

3 hours gone…

I am so addicted to this site and so are many others.

Since I’m completely OCD this site is like therapy to me. I can look at so many things I’m interested in and “pin” them into “boards” I create and everything is nice and organized.

This is equal to when you have water in your ear and you use a Q-Tip to get in there and get all the water out. Know how that feels?

Well… That’s what Pinterest is to me. 🙂

Now on the marketing side of things (which is really what matters here) is that you can get a lot of traffic from Pinterest. I’ve just started on the marketing side of things with Pinterest, and I’m super excited about my results.

If you’d like to start getting traffic from Pinterest then make sure you get your profile setup correctly.

Here’s how to do that…

Step 1: Your Username

Just like I’ve advised you on all other social networks. Make sure the username you pick is the same across all networks. So make sure you choose a username that is either your name OR your business name. Just keep consistent across all social media sites.

Step 2: Your Profile Picture

Again use a picture that is of you or your brand, and make sure you’re using the same one across all networks. You can “jazz up” the profile picture you use on Pinterest (because it’s a place for the creative), but make sure it has the same look as your other social media profiles.

Step 3: Your About Section

Pinterest has an about section where you should talk about what you share with a call to action for others to follow you. That call to action is so powerful, so use it!

I also throw a link (although not clickable) to my website in this section.

You’ve only got 160 characters, so use them wisely!

Step 4: Create 5-10 Topic Specific Boards

Now let the fun begin! Make a list of 5-10 topics related to your business and create a board for each topic. I ONLY use my Pinterest account (I have another one for personal use) for things that are related to my business. I suggest you do the same thing!

Since my business is related to Internet marketing and creating an online business all of my boards are about this.

I have some health related stuff on there too, but that’s because I think your health is vital to being and doing your best so I include that stuff too.

Step 5: Go Pin Crazy

Once you’ve created your topic specific boards go out and start pinning 10-20 pins to each board. You want your account to have some content!

Now don’t just pin anything. Pin things that can actually help/entertain people who visit your profile. Don’t fill your Pinterest account with crap. Only the best makes it here.

And of course you should be pinning ALL of your content here. Content from your blog and even your YouTube videos!

Step 6: Follow 5-10 People In Your Niche

As your pinning take note of people who have lots of pins related to the topics related to your business. Follow those people!


You’ll always have things to pin AND they may pin your pins exposing you to THEIR followers.

Mainly though you want to do this because Pinterest IS a social mediate network and you NEED to get social over there. 🙂

Hot Tip: Install the Pin It button on your browser. As your researching or “surfing the web” as us “oldies” say you can pin things you find on the fly. I use this button SO much!

Okay at this point you should have a great Pinterest profile ready for you to start using it to get traffic!

Comments or questions about what I’ve shared here? Did I miss anything? Do you have tips for this topic?

Then leave them in the comments below!

Talk soon!


How To Setup Your Instagram Profile

Instagram is HOT! HOT! HOT! right now and getting hotter every day. More and more people are using this social media site, and it’s not just for the “kids” anymore.

To get started thought you need to make sure your profile is setup correctly!

It wont take you very long, but make sure you take your time and put some thought into it.

Here’s what you need to do…

Step 1: Your Profile Image

Your profile image should either be a picture of you or your brand’s logo. Make it something you’re known for or by.

I brand myself in my main business so I just use a picture of myself. It’s the same picture I use on my other social media sites. I highly recommend you keep consistent across all social media sites with your profile images.

Step 2: Your Bio

You’ve got 150 characters to basically talk people into following you, so put some thought into this. I’m an entrepreneur who creates online businesses to make money from and I teach others how to do it too. So here’s why my profile says…

Notice the call to action to follow me!

Step 3: Use Clickable hastags

There’s not a whole lot of room in your bio, but you need to make sure you include at least ONE hashtag that has A LOT of posts using it. Just use the search feature and input keywords related to your business to find the best hashtag to use.

Step 4: Bio Link

Your bio link can either be a link to your site or you can do what I do. Use a Lnk.bio link. This allows you to input a link that takes people to a page where you have a list of clickable links.

Why do this?

Well if you’re like me you talk about different things on social media so I’m not always sending people to my main site. Maybe it’s a blog post, or a sales page. So I use the Lik.bio link and on my images I always have a call to action that says “Click the link in my bio”.

People visit my bio, see the link, click on it, and can choose the thing that caught their interest.

And more importantly other THINGS that they might be interested in.

This is a cool little feature, and I’m seeing some serious traffic to my sites from Instagram since I started using it.

If you have multiple things you talk about on Instagram and are sending people to different links I highly recommend this. You can get a free basic account. That’s what I’m currently using. 🙂

Yes… This post is short, but there’s not a lot you need to do when setting up your Instagram account.

So, take 20 minutes… If you already have an account make sure you’ve “optimized” it like I’ve shown you to do here. If you don’t have an Instagram account, get signed up, and use what I just taught you to get your profile all setup.

Comments or questions about what I’ve shared here? Did I miss anything? Do you have tips for this topic?

Then leave them in the comments below!

Talk soon!


How To Setup Your Facebook Profile

Facebook is one of my favorite social media sites to use to get traffic. And… There are many different ways to use it to get traffic.

You can…

Use their paid advertising
Use Facebook groups
Use your Facebook business page

… and there are many tactics that go with each of these.

But you can also use your main Facebook profile!

You probably already have one of these and if it’s stacked with your personal friends and family you may not want to use it in your social media marketing, but if you’re okay with using your main Facebook profile page in your social media marketing then you need to make sure you have it setup correctly.

As of right now I have 4,999 friends on Facebook. I never have the 5,000 friend limit because I want people to be able to send me friend requests. As I lose Facebook friends (and it does happen) I just add new ones from all the requests that I get.

I’m selective of who I add because I only want Facebook friends that are interested in my niche. I’ve also “optimized” my profile so that I can get traffic from the things I post on Facebook to my site.

I want to walk you through what I’ve done and what you should do too…

Step 1: Your Profile Picture

Make sure you have a clear profile picture of you. Don’t have some cartoon, or meme, or anything like that. Show your gorgeous face. YES! You do have a gorgeous face. Always know that your mom and I will always think you’re gorgeous. 🙂

I change mine up often, but you don’t have to.

Step 2: Your Cover Photo

This is something else I change up often, but you want it to drive traffic to your site. My main site is LizTomey.com (even though I’m currently working on driving all traffic to DFYSocialMediaContent.com) so that’s where my cover photo sends people.

Step 3: Your Intro

This is a really important spot on mobile. It’s right under your picture. I HIGHLY recommend you mention your website in this spot. Just a VERY short BENEFIT and then a link to your website. This isn’t “clickable”, but it’s important to list your site there. Below you’ll see where it is on mobile and where it’s at on a desktop.

Step 4: Your Profile Information

FULLY fill out everything on your profile. If you don’t want people to know about you, then you probably shouldn’t be on social media. 🙂 Fill out as much information as your comfortable with here, but DO fill out as much as you can.

Make sure you list links to other social media sites (if you’re on them) and your web site URL!

This shows up on desktops when people are viewing your profile.

Step 5: Your Featured Images

Your profile shows your featured images on both desktop and mobile so create images about your business and make sure they have your web site on them!


Step 6: Your Privacy Settings

This can be a touchy subject, but I for one want everyone to be able to see what I post on Facebook because I’m using it to get all the traffic I can.

I have my privacy settings like this…

I also have my timeline and tagging settings setup like this…

Those are pretty important, so pay attention to what I did there.

If you’ve done all of that then congratulations. You’re ready to start using your Facebook profile to start getting traffic!

Comments or questions about what I’ve shared here? Did I miss anything? Do you have tips for this topic?

Then leave them in the comments below!

Talk soon!


Social Marketing Graphics Resources

Graphics is the biggest need we have as social media marketers. Generally you can get graphics that you can add your branding to and use in your social media marketing. It’s really important that you fully understand your rights when purchasing graphics.

The following is a list of resources that I’ll continually be updating to help you find graphics you can use in your social marketing!

1. Contentrocity – Looking for something different to use in your social media marketing? You’re in for a treat. This site has AMAZING social posters. Add your branding, post, and done. http://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/Contentrocity

2. 150 Social Media Templates – Now this is a killer offer at a killer price! Angie Gensler who is a social marketing expert has created a package of 150 social media templates! 46 holiday social media graphics, 52 “question posts”, and 52 ‘inspirational” posts. This will put a HUGE dent in your graphic AND posting needs. You can see the package at http://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/150SocialMediaImages

3. Infographics Bundle – You have to buy the regular package and the upgrade to get PLR (private label rights) to this package, but it’s totally worth it. PLR to infographics! Yay!!! http://liztomey.com/InfographicKitBundle

4. Ultimate Viral Graphics – This is a massive package with lots of social poster graphics and infographic templates! http://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/UltimateViralGraphics

5. Digital Marketer Social Quotes – I REALLY like these! 100 Digital Product Marketer social graphics – http://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/DMSocialGraphics

6. Viral Quotes Kit – This kit includes over 200 viral quotes that you can use in your social media marketing. You can size them for any social network your using. You get PLR to all of these with this offer, so you can edit them and use them as you want. http://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/VIralQuotesKit

7. Viral Video Quotes Kit – Quote images that are turned into VIDEOS! Very unique content that you can use in your social media marketing. These can be used on any social network that you can upload videos too. This package also comes with PLR, so if you have a video editor you could also edit these up and insert your own link/branding. http://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/ViralVideoQuotes

8. Pinterest Pin Design Templates – Having a hard time designing great looking Pin images for your content? Get 20 gorgeous fully editable Pin templates from http://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/PinterestPinDesignTemplates

More coming soon…

Where The Hell Do I Find Stuff To Post On Social Media?

When you’re using social media marketing you’re going to need A LOT of content. I mean A LOT A LOT A LOT of content.

You need to be posting on social media sites at the very least once a day. Some of them like 15 times. More on that later.

Today I want to show you a couple of places that you can find content that you can post that’s already created for you. This is going to save you a TON of time.

Let’s get started…

Note: I’ll be continually updating this page with resources, so be sure to bookmark this page so you can check for more resources.

1. DFYSocialMarketingContent.com – Of course the first resource I’m going to post about is my own site. 🙂 I create social media content packages that people can use in their social media marketing. I have content packages you can buy based on certain topics, and I also have a monthly membership you can join where you’ll get topic specific content packages each month.

2. Wellness PLR – If you are in the “wellness” niche Wellness PLR has some killer content packages for you to use. Blog content, images to promote your blog content, quotes, and so much more. Click here to check out their current content packages.

3. Google – Yes I know this is obvious, but you can find memes and images that you can use by searching Google for them. All you need to do is search Google images for keywords related to your niche, BUT you need to go to the images tab and select “Tools” and in that menu, you can select “Usage rights” from the list that appears select “Labeled for reuse with modification”.

See the above for what I’m talking about…

There are tons of images there you can use, and that will keep you busy for days. 🙂

4. Stockphoto sites – Now you need to be really careful when doing this. Make sure you know your rights to the pictures you use BEFORE using them. Here are a few of my favorite stockphoto sites.



5. Outsource – Yes it does take money to outsource content, but it will save you a ton of time. You can’t put a price on time. Let me tell you. It’s more valuable than any amount of money you will ever have. You can outsource your social media content creation at places like Fiverr.com, Guru.com and any of the other freelance sites. I’ll be doing a post completely devoted to the topic of outsourcing your social media content soon, so keep an eye out for that.

Okay so that’s what I’ve got for you so far. I’ll be adding to this post as I find more sources. If you know of other places that create content for social media marketers, please let me know.

Talk soon!


[PTT News] Daily Pinterest Traffic Takeover Newsletter #3

Welcome to Issue #3 of the Daily Pinterest Traffic Takeover Newsletter!

Let’s talk about CLICKS! Our sole purpose for being on Pinterest is to get our Pins clicked on. That’s how we get traffic. Duh, right?!

And as I’ve been beating you over the head about over the last few days ONE of the things that will get you clicks (and probably the most important thing) is the design of your Pin!

So today I want to talk about things you can add to your Pins you design to get more clicks and more people finding them on Pinterest.

Let’s do this…

Recommended: Viral Pin Formula – When it comes to getting traffic from Pinterest having the best looking Pin you can have is the key. Want to make that Pin go viral, then you need to know exactly how to design a Pin so it does go viral. This course has everything in it you need to know to get your Pins to go viral. Check it out at http://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/ViralPinFormula

How To Design Your Pins To Get More Clicks

Tip 1: Have a call to action! Every Pin you design needs to have a call to action in your text. Click here for XYZ. Adding this one little thing could make your clicks go WAAAAY up. Use this tactic on every single Pin you create. Head over to Pinterest and look at the Pins there. What calls to action are others using? Note those down and save them in a place where you can come and look over them every time you create your text for your Pins.

Tip 2: The text you write that goes ON your Pin needs to get people clicking! Again… Head over to Pinterest. What does the text say on Pins that make you want to click? Note those down and and when you go to write the text for your Pins look over them for inspiration.

Notice I didn’t say to copy and paste what others have. That’s a big “no-no”, so don’t do it. Simply use your research for inspiration. 😉

Tip 3: What your Pin says really matters, but the design/font is something else that will get you clicks. Make sure you’re using a design/font that catches people’s eye. Big bold letters! Less words that are BIGGER are better than a bunch of words that are tiny.

Tip 4: Optimize your Pin image for search. There’s this thing called Pinterest Search Optimization (PSO). Just like with content you optimize for regular search engines there are things you can do to optimize your Pins for searchers on Pinterest. The very first thing is when you create your Pin image, save the file as the name of one of your keywords.

Now… There are different opinions on this. Some say it doesn’t matter. Some say it DOES matter. It’s so simple to do why wouldn’t you do it is my question. I always save my Pin images as one of my keywords. It doesn’t hurt, so why not?

Wow! We’ve talked a lot about design in the last few Daily Pinterest Traffic Takeover Newsletters. We’re going to switch gears and start talking about tactics that will help you get traffic with actually going to Pinterest and Pinning those Pins.

As I’ve recommended a few times now the Viral Pin Formula has WAY more instruction than I could ever give you on creating great looking pins that get attention, get clicks, and get re-pinned, so if you haven’t picked that up yet, I highly recommend you do. Spend the next couple days going through it, and USE what you learn. You’ll be shocked by the amount of traffic you’ll start getting with a great looking Pin image.

Talk to you tomorrow!


P.S. If you’ve missed any of the issues of the newsletter where I’ve talked about designing your Pins here they are:

Issue 1: https://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/blog/ptt-news-are-your-pins-double-ugly

Issue 2: https://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/blog/ptt-news-daily-pinterest-traffic-takeover-newsletter-2

Issue 3: https://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/blog/ptt-news-daily-pinterest-traffic-takeover-newsletter-3