[PTT News] Daily Pinterest Traffic Takeover Newsletter #3

Welcome to Issue #3 of the Daily Pinterest Traffic Takeover Newsletter!

Let’s talk about CLICKS! Our sole purpose for being on Pinterest is to get our Pins clicked on. That’s how we get traffic. Duh, right?!

And as I’ve been beating you over the head about over the last few days ONE of the things that will get you clicks (and probably the most important thing) is the design of your Pin!

So today I want to talk about things you can add to your Pins you design to get more clicks and more people finding them on Pinterest.

Let’s do this…

Recommended: Viral Pin Formula – When it comes to getting traffic from Pinterest having the best looking Pin you can have is the key. Want to make that Pin go viral, then you need to know exactly how to design a Pin so it does go viral. This course has everything in it you need to know to get your Pins to go viral. Check it out at http://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/ViralPinFormula

How To Design Your Pins To Get More Clicks

Tip 1: Have a call to action! Every Pin you design needs to have a call to action in your text. Click here for XYZ. Adding this one little thing could make your clicks go WAAAAY up. Use this tactic on every single Pin you create. Head over to Pinterest and look at the Pins there. What calls to action are others using? Note those down and save them in a place where you can come and look over them every time you create your text for your Pins.

Tip 2: The text you write that goes ON your Pin needs to get people clicking! Again… Head over to Pinterest. What does the text say on Pins that make you want to click? Note those down and and when you go to write the text for your Pins look over them for inspiration.

Notice I didn’t say to copy and paste what others have. That’s a big “no-no”, so don’t do it. Simply use your research for inspiration. 😉

Tip 3: What your Pin says really matters, but the design/font is something else that will get you clicks. Make sure you’re using a design/font that catches people’s eye. Big bold letters! Less words that are BIGGER are better than a bunch of words that are tiny.

Tip 4: Optimize your Pin image for search. There’s this thing called Pinterest Search Optimization (PSO). Just like with content you optimize for regular search engines there are things you can do to optimize your Pins for searchers on Pinterest. The very first thing is when you create your Pin image, save the file as the name of one of your keywords.

Now… There are different opinions on this. Some say it doesn’t matter. Some say it DOES matter. It’s so simple to do why wouldn’t you do it is my question. I always save my Pin images as one of my keywords. It doesn’t hurt, so why not?

Wow! We’ve talked a lot about design in the last few Daily Pinterest Traffic Takeover Newsletters. We’re going to switch gears and start talking about tactics that will help you get traffic with actually going to Pinterest and Pinning those Pins.

As I’ve recommended a few times now the Viral Pin Formula has WAY more instruction than I could ever give you on creating great looking pins that get attention, get clicks, and get re-pinned, so if you haven’t picked that up yet, I highly recommend you do. Spend the next couple days going through it, and USE what you learn. You’ll be shocked by the amount of traffic you’ll start getting with a great looking Pin image.

Talk to you tomorrow!


P.S. If you’ve missed any of the issues of the newsletter where I’ve talked about designing your Pins here they are:

Issue 1: https://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/blog/ptt-news-are-your-pins-double-ugly

Issue 2: https://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/blog/ptt-news-daily-pinterest-traffic-takeover-newsletter-2

Issue 3: https://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/blog/ptt-news-daily-pinterest-traffic-takeover-newsletter-3

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