Oh did you find Pinterest? Isn’t it fun? I LOVE Pinterest and in my personal life I’m there all the time. It’s a serious addiction.
But you can use it to drive traffic right into your business to and a lot of it! If you haven’t gone through my Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop I highly suggest you do that. You can grab your seat by clicking here. Use the coupon code: 50OFFPIN to save $50! đ
Here’s the biggest thing my people face though when it comes to using Pinterest to get traffic.
They don’t know WHAT to post. Or “Pin” as they say on Pinterest.
So while you’re going to be making Pins for other people’s content, you want to get traffic to YOUR content, so you need to be Pinning YOUR content over there too.
What can you Pin from your content or other people’s?
Here are several ideas for you:
1. Your blog posts! You should definitely have a content hub or blog that is filled with your own original content. You should also be constantly adding your own original content to it. Make sure that you Pin ALL of it, and Pin any new content you create. You can also create new images and Pin your content again!
2. Videos! People LOVE videos. Make sure and Pin those videos. Even if all of your videos are on a service such as YouTube. Pin those! You can also create new images and Pin these again too!
Note: I hope you see what I’m telling you here. You can create new images and Pin the same content over and over again. I don’t recommend doing it every day, but you can Pin your own content repeatedly. I do it every few weeks.
3. Do you have freebies that you offer to get people on you list? Then create a great looking image featuring a picture of your freebie and Pin that!
4. Motivational/Inspirational Quotes related to your niche with YOUR branding on them. You can make these yourself on places like Canva and Snappa, find templates in creative markets, and/or hire someone to create them for you.
5. Infographics related to your niche. Besides finding and repining these, you can make these yourself on places like Canva and Snappa, find templates in creative markets, and/or hire someone to create them for you.
6. Run a service based business? What are the most common questions you get asked? Answer those questions and post them on your blog. Create a Pin and save it to Pinterest!
7. Create visually HOT coupons that really catch the eye and Pin those. People LOVE coupons!
8. Watch for trends related to your niche and Pin the most popular things. https://www.pinterest.com/categories/popular Is a great resource for finding the most popular things currently popular on Pinterest.
9. Do you have a customer testimonial board? If not create one and Pin testimonials that your customers/clients send you.
10. Have you done a case study or can you do one? Case studies get people clicking and would make a great Pin. You can even find case studies others have done and Pin those.
11. Create quickstart guides or owners manuals for your products and Pin those to your boards. If you provide a service create a guide that shows people how to get the most from your service and Pin it.
12. Are you selling physical products? You could show how to “style”/use them in images or videos. Are there things about your products that people don’t normally know? Tell them about them in the form of a piece of content (again images/text/video) and Pin that content!
13. Whatâs going on in your business? Take pictures of you and/or your employees working, create a short story about it, post it to your blog, and Pin it!
14. Do you have a specific morning and/or nighttime routine? Talk about it, and create a Pin to it.
15. We all like to do things on the weekends. Make sure youâre talking about it on your content hub/blog and create a Pin to it. This is something you could do just about any weekend even if youâre just laying around being lazy.
16. Has something funny happened lately? Talk about it (use pictures and/or videos for impact) and Pin that! You could even create an âAbout Youâ board and continually put these kinds of things there.
17. Expanded tips⌠Create a post with 3 points that will help people with something in your niche, and create a Pin for it!
18. Do you work out? Are you a healthy eater? Are you on a journey to get healthy? Sharing this information on your blog is a great way to get people to know you. Post about this and Pin it! More good stuff for your âAbout Youâ board.
19. You should always be reading/listening to a book about your niche. Post about this and Pin it to your appropriate board!
20. What are your favorite resources related to your niche? Make a post about this and Pin it!
21. Follow Friday! I love doing specific things on specific days. Motivation Monday, Taco Tuesday, Throwback Thursday, etc. Follow Friday is the day where you should pick 5 people on Pinterest who are follow worthy. Make a post about them, and Pin it!
22. Your stories! What are some stories about your life (that relate to your niche) that you could create blog posts around? Create them, and Pin them!
23. Create a post about your top content from the month. What got the most feedback, likes, shares, Pins, retweets? Make a post about your top content for the month and Pin it!
24. What do you do to be productive? Share 5 tips you use, create a post, and Pin it!
25. The bad stuff! People like reading about the âbad stuffâ. What would you have done differently in life, your business, etc? Did you have a bad experience with a client, coach, or someone you hired?
26. We talked about Pinning quotes and motivational things earlier, but you can also do a âbest ofâ post and Pin it. Like the best 25 quotes about procrastination, or the 25 best weight loss quotes, etc.
27. Places youâve been. Where have you been that was a good experience for you? Write a post about it, and Pin it!
28. Product reviews. You should be reviewing all the products in your niche and posting reviews about them. When you do a review make sure you Pin it!
29. Are you having a webinar? Then make sure you create a Pin about it! This will work best if you have a replay also for your webinar because Pins last a long time!
30. Do you promote products as an affiliate marketer? At this time you can simply create an image and link it right to your affiliate link. If this changes again in the future simply write a post about the product youâre an affiliate for, create a great looking image, and Pin that!
31. Want to really get some viral content going? Then pick a fight! Find an article and/or video you disagree with, and create a post or video about your opposing opinions. Be careful with this. Donât be an âjerkâ unless your people are used to you being that way. When you do this create a great Pin and Pin it!
32. Mood boards! Man are these hot right now. You could create a “mood board” targeted at your niche and Pin it.
33. Gift guides are amazing and I love them. They are like the candy of Pinterest! These are easy to create thanks to the many templates you can find, but they REALLY drive sales. These are great for all of you selling physical products.
34. Are you a local business? You can use Pinterest too! Pin stuff that’s related to your niche, but also Pin things related to your location. Things to see and do, businesses that you recommend in your area, photos of your area, etc.
Okay if those 34 things (with 2-3 other things mentioned in some of them) aren’t enough to keep you in content for the next 100 years I don’t know what to tell you. đ
Seriously I know it’s a lot, but start with one idea, use it and come back to these when you need more ideas. You just gotta get to Pinning to start getting traffic from Pinterest.
And again, I’d like to invite you to attend my Pinterest Traffic Takeover Workshop. I’ll show you everything I know about getting traffic with Pinterest. You’ll walk away from the workshop knowing exactly what to do to suck all the traffic you can from Pinterest into YOUR business.
You can grab your seat by clicking here. Use the coupon code: 50OFFPIN to save $50! đ
Talk soon!