[PTT News] Daily Pinterest Traffic Takeover Newsletter #2!

Welcome to Issue #2 of the Daily Pinterest Traffic Takeover Newsletter!

Yesterday we got started talking about designing great looking Pins. (If you missed yesterday’s issue click here.) I’m starting your education here because if you don’t have GREAT looking Pins then anything you do after Pinning your first ugly Pin isn’t going to work. This is where it ALL starts!

Today we’re going to talk about a few more things regarding Pin design that will help you save some time!

Recommended: Viral Pin Formula – Looking for the best tools to use when designing your Pins? Then grab the Viral Pin Formula course I’ve been going on and on about because all the tools you’ll need are shown in the course and how to use them! Get access at http://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/ViralPinFormula

How To Save Time With Your Pin Designing

Tip 1: Grab some templates! Yesterday I talked briefly about finding Pin templates to get inspiration for your Pin designs. You can also just simply find templates and USE them.

There are several great designers out there that can create customer designs for you that you can use for all your Pins with a few simple edits.

There are several great designers out there that will sell you (and others) template packages that you can use for all of your Pins with a few simple edits. The only problem with this option is that there might be others out there with Pins that look REALLY similar to yours. Still an option though!

You can also find places like CreativeMarket.com and GraphicRiver.net also have templates you can buy.

Do a Google search for “Pin templates” or “Pinterest templates” and you’ll see there are a TON of options out there for you.

Tip 2: Outsource the design of your Pins to the professionals. Look, I don’t like to spend money paying people as much as the next person, but when it comes to graphic design (Pins are graphics) I’m horrible at it, and it takes me so so so much time. So for me hiring someone to create my Pins for me is the way to go.

You can find people to design your Pins for you by doing a search on Google for “Pin designer” or “Pinterest designer”.

Another great place to get this kind of work done is Fiverr >>> http://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/PinterestDesignersOnFiverr

Bottom line… When it comes to designing Pins it takes a lot of time, but you can save a lot of time by using templates and/or hiring a designer.

That’s it! Just two tips today. There’s a lot of research for you to do here so I don’t want to overwhelm you, so we will leave it at that today.

Tomorrow we’re going to talk about how to get more CLICKS on your Pins, so stay tuned!

Talk to you tomorrow!


[PTT News] Are Your Pins Double Ugly?

Welcome to the first Issue of the Daily Pinterest Traffic Takeover Newsletter!

Today we’re talking about your Pin designs on Pinterest!

Here’s the deal… If your Pins are double ugly, no one is going to click on them much less Pin them. Lots of traffic starts flowing from the point of DESIGN. You’ve got to have a great looking design!

Recommended: Viral Pin Formula – If you’re looking for the A-Z on creating great looking Pins that go viral I can’t recommend the Viral Pin Formula enough! Everything you need to know all in ONE course from someone who is getting a TON of traffic from Pinterest. Check out Viral Pin Formula at http://dfysocialmarketingcontent.com/ViralPinFormula

Getting Started With Pin Designs

Tip 1: Don’t be lazy! As I just said… Don’t create ugly Pins. EVER! PERIOD! You’ve got something awesome you want to share on Pinterest and you want others to share it too, right? Then take the time and ALWAYS create killer looking Pins. Every single time you create a Pin make sure you’re putting in the time to create a great looking one.

Tip 2: Make sure your pins are the correct size. There are mixed opinions on the exact pixel measurement of your Pins, but they need to have a 2:3 ratio. I design mine at 735px x 1102px. That is a 2:3 ratio measurement.

Tip 3: Stop using stock photos! Everyone and their brother talks about stock photos. When everyone and there brother is doing something, you should probably do something different. 🙂 In my testing I have found that doing a solid, bright colored background, with a good font for my text, and a simple piece of “clip art” I get WAY more Pins. I also have lots of space on my Pins.

Here’s an example: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/842876886491157238

Tip 4: Have a “Pin theme”. You want your Pins to have a similar “look”. That’s why I recommended spending some time on researching Pin designs above.

Tip 5: If your stuck for design ideas you can either spend some time on Pinterest finding designs you like and create a “secret board” called “Designs I Like” or something along those lines and save your favorites (I have a HUGE board full of this stuff) OR search creative marketplaces like CreativeMarket.com and search for “Pinterest templates”.

Okay, as promised I’m keeping these newsletters short, so that’s it for today. I recommend you take notes on what I’ve taught you here. Spend some time on Tip 3 today and get an idea of how you want your “Pin theme” to look.

Talk to you tomorrow!
