When it comes to posting content to Facebook, there are a lot of variable we need to look at.
Are you posting to your profile?
Are you posting to a page?
Are you posting to your group?
Are you posting to a group you belong to?
Are you posting a story?
Then you’ve also got to look at what your goals are with your post?
Are you posting for engagement?
Are you doing it to get people OFF of your page and on to something you’re promoting (affiliate link, your website, your opportunity, your squeeze page, etc)?
Are you posting to get something to go viral?
See… I told you there are a lot of variables here that you need to be thinking about, but in general the following are things that can be used for many kinds of places you post on Facebook and you can tweak them to fit your goals.
Let’s get started…
1. Interactive Content – This is hands down the best kind of content to post on Facebook. Contests and quizzes are two types of content that I automatically think of, but there are a lot of types of interactive content you can come up with. See what others in your niche are doing to get ideas.
2. Blog Posts – Did you just create an awesome blog post? Then make sure you share it on Facebook in as many places as you can. When I do a blog post I always post it to all of my groups, the Page that fits the niche of the post, and on my public profile. I have a few groups that I belong to that I am not the admin for and they allow me to post my REALLY good stuff in their groups.
3. Tips – Have tips about your niche? Turn those into graphical images (make sure to include your branding) and post them. You could sit down right now and create 10 of these and have content for the next 10 days. Do 30 at a time and you have a month’s worth of content. 🙂
4. Quotes – Are there quotes about your niche? Do a Google search for quotes your niche (of course you would replace your niche with the words for your actual niche), grab those quotes, turn them into graphic images (making sure to give credit to who said it and adding your branding) and post them. Just like with the “tips idea” from above if you found several quotes you could create a batch of graphics and have them ready to post.
Hot Tip: If you create several “tips” and “quotes” posts all at once you could have some great content built up to post to your Facebook page, your profile, your groups, and groups that you belong to (make sure and get the owners permission)
5. Updates – What are you currently doing in life? What are you currently doing in your business? Post this information on Facebook along with photos showing what you’re doing.
6. Polls – People LOVE to give their opinion on Facebook. Create polls for them to vote on things related to your niche.
7. Holidays – Most of us celebrate holidays. Different parts of the world celebrate different holidays. When you see an interesting holiday post about it even if you don’t celebrate it. Try to tie it in with your niche.
8. Your Freebies – Do you have freebies that you offer? Reports, checklists, cheatsheets, videos, etc? Post them on Facebook and do it often. I’m not talking about posting the same thing every day, but posting the same free offer every few weeks WILL get you traffic to it. POST THOSE FREEBIES OFTEN!
9. Common Ground Posts – Part of bonding with your people (which is important for engagement) is finding common ground with your people. Many of your people will have pets, kids, etc. Those are great to post about to get engagement and get people knowing you on a personal level.